1. Free Ideas

Friday, January 29th, 2021

I’m a beginner at coding. I started actually trying about two years ago. By actually trying, I mean I paid $10 for Jose Portilla’s Udemy Python course. It’s the best $10 I’ve ever spent. Since taking the course and now, I’ve noticed that ideas can really jump start programming skill. When I had an idea that I was super excited about, I was motivated to learn quickly. The problem was: I had no good ideas. I had to google “ideas to code” but couldn’t really find anything that would be fun and beneficial.

I turned a corner when I thought of the Bitcoin Bot that I mention in a different post. I was able to bring together two areas of my life (finance and coding) and build something that was mildly useful but also fun to code (and within my ability).

So, I decided that sometimes you might just need an idea. Thus, I’ve made a list of several “open source” ideas for casual beginner programmers:

  1. Discord Webhook that reports the price of some asset every hour
  2. Discord Webhook that notifies you when you lose followers on Twitter or Instagram
  3. Static website where you talk about something you enjoy
  4. A script that scrapes (where legal) websites with sports scores and predicts the next winner
  5. An app that keeps track of your workouts and progression to a goal
  6. A trading bot using Alpaca/Kraken
  7. A bot that sends you an email every morning with the Weather for the day, and other useful info